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Computers have more merits than demerits.


Date Posted: 11/13/2012 3:22:00 PM

Posted By: Mrs kihara  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 543

Ours are really exciting times. Modern technology is everywhere;left,right and center. It is moving and changing so fast that we are left bewildered and gaping at its inventions.It has made our lives easier and happier. It is evident that things have improved thanks to modern technology. One of these changes is the computer revolution.Computers have changed our lives,positively or negatively. They have done more good than harm.According to me,the merits of a computer outweigh the demerits by far. Below,I will outline some of the advantages of using a computer.

1. Speed. Computers work at very high speed processing information compared to manual work.

2. Accuracy. Computers are very accurate as long as the person controlling them gives proper instructions.

3. Volume. Computers can handle very large volumes of data simultaneously without becoming tired as long as it is properly programmed.

4. Multi-tasking. Computers can handle a variety of tasks even at the same time.

5. Efficient. Computers create an all-round system and saves on time,resources and space.

6. Complexity. Computers can handle very complex arithmetic calculations within a very short time.

7. Versatility. Computers can do the same thing over and over again without being worn out.

8. Communication. Computers have encouraged and enhanced communication.People,even in distant places can communicate thanks to emails and tele-conferencing.

9. Privacy.Thanks to passwords,information can be protected from unauthorized persons.

10. Entertainment. Computers have enhanced entertainment and relieved us from boredom thanks to computer games,music movies etc. Technology plays a significant role in our lives. It has totally transformed our world. Needless to say,it has turned the world into a global village.Thanks to technology,we can do a lot of work using less efforts.Technology plays a crucial role in development. It is high time we embrace technology including computer revolution. The countries that have made major strides

in development,they have embraced technology.They have made it part and parcel of their lives.We cannot afford to be left behind by the rest of the world.Technology has been embraced worldwide and we cannot afford to be the exception.Forward ever,backward never.

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