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How to choose the ideal temperature data logger for your business


Date Posted: 12/17/2012 3:18:55 AM

Posted By: fly1234  Membership Level: Bronze  Total Points: 15

Perishable goods are tricky to manufacture and transport. This is because they require accurately monitored environments to ensure the products stay fresh and safe for public consumption. Whether you are transporting groceries, dairy, meat or pharmaceutical products, your manufacturing process needs to use reliable temperature measuring equipment to ensure that your perishable goods remain fresh and safe for the consumer. This is why you need a temperature data logger in your warehouse, refrigerator truck, or cold distribution chains. Here are simple guidelines to use before purchasing your ideal temperature loggers.

Look out for accuracy. Ask your temperature logger specialist about accuracy specifications for the type of logger that fits your operation. There are different loggers for different scope of operation in a business. A temperature data logger for shipping purposes is engineered differently from a logger for distribution applications. Ideally, you''ll want to use a different logger for your refrigerated truck, another one for your warehouse, and another one for your shipping containers. Besides measurement accuracy, also ask your supplier about the right resolution requirements for the application you need.

Consider the software. You''ll want the software that comes with your temperature logger to be MAC operated or Windows-based so that their are no issues with compatibility. The ideal software should give minimal time to learn so that the person using it will perform quick and easy tasks efficiently like offloading data or batch-configure thousands of loggers.

Data access should be convenient as well as accurate. If you want to manage your data efficiently,think about your choices for obtaining the data. Whether you want data from your insulated shipping containers or from your warehouse. You can consider wireless sensors, which are known to send accurate and real-time environmental monitoring data, plus web-based data logging systems, which provide remote data management over the

web. If you run a global business, a web-based system is the way to go.

Don''t ignore battery life. Some temperature loggers come with batteries that have to be replaced exclusively by the manufacturer. No doubt, this is going to be an inconvenience on your part if, for example, after 6 months, you have to send your data back to your supplier for battery change. So make sure to ask your supplier if you can replace the battery on your device on your own. In addition to that, consider heat loggers that work with normal batteries to cut your costs.
Just to be on the safe side, ensure that your data device has undergone the proper temperature testing protocols. This is a guarantee that the logger specialist has performed the necessary processes to ensure the temperature monitoring tools are up to international standards.

I also advice you to choose accurate and high quality tools. Whether you''re in the food processing and manufacturing or pharmaceuticals industry, get the temperature data logger that suites you well.

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