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Causes and how to prevent athlete's foot


Date Posted: 9/14/2011 8:03:38 AM

Posted By: Africangal  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 1560

Athlete's foot is a fungal disease caused by a fungus called Trichophyton. The fungus needs warmth or moisture and darkness to grow and replicate.It gets into contact with the skin especially between the toes and causes dry skin itching,redness and may later blister and crack causing a white area that looks wet on the surface.Am sure at one time or the other you have wished someone didn't take off those shoes....and what of when in a crowded van and in a jam and someone takes off his/her shoes and Ooh!The stench!

Here are ways to prevent Athlete's feet and take care of your feet if you have it already:
1.Make sure you wash your feet thoroughly everyday and rinse them dry after that.
2.Wash your shoes and socks often to keep them clean.
3.Make sure your shoes and socks are completely dry after washing.
4.Use treated powder on the area infected after washing your feet,Tee tree powder is really effective.
5.Try as much as possible to keep your feet well ventilated.
6.Wear cotton socks.
7.When not working or on official duty,wear open shoes they are better than closed shoes.
8.You can try wearing shoes of another colour apart from black as it absorbs and keeps warmth.

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