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Ways of preventing riots in secondary schools


Date Posted: 9/29/2011 4:13:11 AM

Posted By: rawlit3  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 811

School riots have become a familiar thing in Kenyan secondary schools in the recent past, occurring just before the students sit for their exams, the result has been the elimination of district mock exams. Nothing good comes out of riots, they disrupt the learning process, create tension and mistrust between students and the administration, arson and destruction of property and even death.

It is therefore important that measures are taken to reduce this vice, here are some of the things that I think might contribute to the prevention of this unfortunate menace in our schools:

1. The administration must set up proper communication channels with the students, this can be done through holding frequent discussion forums in which students are allowed to air their views openly without fear of being reprimanded. Noticeboards should be set up in order to address emerging situations as well as previous issues, this will enable the students to know that their concerns are being worked on.

2. Good preparation for the exams. The administration must ensure that the syllabus are completed early enough, this prevents unnecessary pressure being placed on the students' heads during last minute rush. The last term of the year should be used in reassuring the students instead of teaching new concepts which are likely to confuse the students and make them feel unprepared.

3. Participation in co-curricular activities must be made mandatory and enough time set aside each day for the students to exercise and nurture their talents. These activities go a long way in curbing stress of academic work as well as diverting their energy fro negative thinking into constructive thinking.

4. Proper guidance and counselling mechanisms should be put aside to deal with issues affecting the in academically, financially or personal problems.

5. Students should be allowed enough sleep of at least seven

ours in a day this will give students' brain enough rest for the following day's work. Mid term breaks also help reduce pent-up pressure that the students may be developing.

6. Security measures must be taken to control and monitor movements in and out of school to make sure that they are authorized. These measures may include proper fencing of school compounds and hiring a reputable security company.

7. The administration must also limit the accessibility of contraband items to the students, students items should be checked and gadgets such as mobile phones confiscated to reduce communication with the people out of school to plan for strikes.

The above measures can greatly help in preventing rampant riots in secondary schools in Kenya.

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