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Recipe for Githeri garnished with Spaghetti


Date Posted: 2/28/2012 8:04:52 AM

Posted By: Viona  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 879

Githeri garnished with spaghetti

Two tablespoons of oil
One large sliced onion
One clove garlic chopped
One green pepper cut in slices
Two cups pre-boiled maize and beans
Half small cabbage sliced
Half cup water
One teaspoon salt
One teaspoon white pepper
Two tablebspoons royco
Four hundred grammes spaghetti
Twenty grammes spaghetti extra for garnish


1. Fry onions till brown, add garlic, green pepper and tomato then stir for a minute.
2. Add maize and beans and stir.
Meanwhile, boil spaghetti in oiled water for eight minutes.
3. Add chicken cubes then water. Let it boil for five minutes.
4. Add cabbage then royco, stir well for three minutes before removing from fire.
5. Drain water from spaghetti and toss in margarine.
6. Deep fry extra spaghetti in hot oil for garnishing.

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