Bachelor of Pharmacy(Pharmacy) in University of Nairobi

Course Name: Bachelor of Pharmacy

Institution Name: University of Nairobi

Course Specialization/Major Subject: Pharmacy

Course Type: Degree

Admission requirements
Admission will be granted to students
having any of the qualifications below:
(a)A minimum of C+ in KCSE with C+ in
each of the cluster subjects below:
(i)Physics or maths
(iii)English or kiswahili

(b)A level/G.C.E qualifications with two principal
passes in biology and chemistry.In addition,they
should have a subsidiary pass or credit pass at
'O' level in physics and maths or qualifications
as indicated below:
(i)A principal pass in Chemistry and biology
(ii)Subsidiary pass in maths or physics
(iii)A pass in general paper.

Course duration
Five years

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