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Consider the following oral literature item.


Consider the following oral literature item.
MI moet moet a moita(There is a wound in a calf's stomach)

i)Classify the above genre

ii)Identify and illustrate two features of sound in the above genre.

iii)Explain what is lost if the item above is translated from its original language.

iv)Give one role of the above item.



i)It is a tongue twister.

ii)Alliteration-mi moet moet a moita 'm'

Repetition '..........Moet moet....'The phrase

'moet' is repeated

iii)The sound features(repetition and alliteration) are lost


-Local flavour

iv)It is used for speech therapy

It is used for entertainment

It tests reading speed

marto answered the question on October 14, 2017 at 07:23

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