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Explain the uptake of water and mineral salts from the roots to the leaves of a flowering plant.


Explain the uptake of water and mineral salts from the roots to the leaves of a flowering plant.



Water is found in the spaces between the soil particles. Water and mineral salts first enter through the cell wall and cell membrane of the root hair cell by osmosis. Root hair cells take up water and mineral salts.Root hair cells are outgrowths at the tips of plants' roots which have large vacuoles which allow storage of water and mineral salts.The root hair is adapted to absorb water from the soil through elongated root hairs which increase the total root surface area for water absorption,thin walls to speed up the intake of water by osmosis,large vacuoles to absorb water quickly and transport it to the next cells,vacuoles have salts, which speed up water absorption from soil water and they do not have cuticles, as this would prevent water absorption.
Water can now move from the root hair cells and across the parenchyma cells of the cortex in two major ways; by osmosis and diffusion.water passes through the cells by osmosis and travels either in, or between the cell walls by diffusion.water passes through the endodermis to enter the xylem then to the stem.water travels to the leaves via the stem.
mwendwamutindi answered the question on October 18, 2017 at 10:14

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