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Explain economic factors that led to colonization of Africa


Explain economic factors that led to colonization of Africa



Economic factors
1. The industrial revolution in Europe.
a) The revolution led to search for markets for European manufactured goods in Africa resulting in scramble for and partition.
b) The need for raw materials. The machines invented processed goods faster than use of hand. The Europeans came to Africa in search of raw materials like cotton, palm oil, copper and iron ore.
c) Cheap labour was also readily available in Africa after the abolition of slave trade.
d) There was desire by the entrepreneurs to invest excess capital gained from accumulation of profits from industrial investment. Africa provided an avenue for investment.
e) Industrial revolution led to improved transport system, which was necessary for effective colonization.
f) The military hardware manufactured during the revolution enabled Europeans to conquer African territories.
g) The discovery of medicine enabled the Europeans to survive the African conditions and protect themselves from diseases such as malaria, yellow fever etc.
h) Those who were rendered unemployed in Europe due to invention of machines had to move to Africa to assist in harnessing raw materials.
i) Industrial revolution led to intense rivalry in trade, which was projected, into Africa.
2. Speculation about the availability of deep pockets of minerals in Africa. Gold and Bronze had been items of trade in Africa for centuries. The discovery of Diamond at Kimberly in the 1860s and Gold in the 1870s precipitated their appetite for Africa more.

kevoh njau answered the question on October 28, 2017 at 07:00

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