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Give the purposes of family planning


Outline the purposes of family planning



Discuss the reasons for family planning.

1) Health reasons.
Maternal. Kolander, C. A. (2014), the woman being the child bearer is more likely to develop health problems connected with uncontrolled birth of children. The woman who bears many children or does not have enough time between each child bearing tends to suffer adversely because she will lack the essential nutrients most vital for the restoration of health after each delivery and the babies tend to have poor quality care. She is also prone to having complications during pregnancy and childbirth.
Paternal-The father tends to overwork himself in order to provide for the family needs and these results in anxiety, tiredness, mental strain all of which combine to reduce the father’s chances of survival or living a normal happy life.

2) Socio-economic reasons. Polanyi, M., Johnston, L., Khanna, A., & Social Planning Toronto (Organization) (2015), having many children is really a great burden that tends to drain the financial resources which result in poverty, drop in standard of living and economic hardship. Planning enables parents plan for their old age.

3) Family welfare reasons-Polanyi, M., Johnston, L., Khanna, A., & Social Planning Toronto (Organization)(2015), Family planning enables the planned children to live in comfortable houses ,have necessary care and attention, good career in life, self –reliance and independence all of which ensure that they grow up to be responsible citizens. The parents also will be able to bestow on their children good and sound education.

4) Marital adjustment reasons -Organization, W.H. (2014), It’s a known fact that marriage is not the only means of having children but also for love, companionship and satisfactory sexual relationship. Family planning helps to keep the family happy and affords the couple the opportunity and leisure to enjoy each other’s company. The fear of unwanted pregnancy which could lead to abortion, maternal death and psychological stress would be avoided.

5) Individual welfare reasons-Family planning promotes self- respect and contentment. This allows the individual to set a goal and achieve it.

6) Community and national welfare reasons-Organization, W.H. (2014), when the population increases fast, the provision of school amenities like housing, good health services, education, water, electricity, employment and improved technology cannot meet the needs of the people. The economic problems which affect the country could be minimized if steps have to be taken to educate
the masses about the consequences of rapidly growing population. It is important therefore that family planning be considered in order to attain stability.


1. People do family planning to ensure there is enough preparation of the parents before getting another child.
2. Others do it with aim of getting few children's whom they can raise without strain.
3. To prevent giving birth to unwanted child especially people who enter into relationship without aim of marrying in future.

Family planning helps a family advance and develop.
It allows the mother regain her health after delivery.
Need for protection against Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV/AIDS.
Need for avoiding unwanted pregnancies.
Need for having a child at a desired period of time.
Need for prevention of early or late pregnancies.
When a couple desires to space births.
It provides space for children to acquire enough parental care and attention.
petroncro answered the question on November 10, 2017 at 06:47

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