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Explain three methods of data processing


Explain three methods of data processing



-Batch Processing;Batch processing is grunt work, the simplest form of data processing. It's useful when an organization has a large volume of data that can be clumped into one or two categories. A store, for example, can batch-process its transactions at the end of the day or the week, sending the results to the head office. If the information doesn't have to be updated for every change, batch processing is fast enough

-Real-Time Processing;Sometimes batch-processing isn't fast enough. Real-time processing methods handle data when it requires an instant turn-around. If someone buys an airline ticket or cancels a reservation, for instance, the airline needs to update its records instantly. A radar system has to give its operator immediate feedback on what it detects; an ATM has to process your request for money promptly. Where batch processing handles large loads of data at specified times, real-time processing is continuous

-Data Mining;Data mining takes data from multiple sources and pools and combines it to look for correlations. For example, a grocery chain might analyze customers' purchases and discover that customers who buy cereal often buy bananas to go with it. The chain can use that information to increase sales, perhaps by placing bananas close to the cereal to encourage more joint purchases. The chain can also track which items sell better when the store offers coupons or holds sales.
Githiari answered the question on November 17, 2017 at 06:47

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