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Identify six problems facing Nairobi in Kenya today


Describe six problems facing Nairobi as a modern urban centre in Africa



1. Inadequate social services like schools and hospitals

2. Poor garbage disposal service

3. Inadequate clean water

4. Inadequate public transport

5. High crime rate due to unemployment

6. HIV and AIDS pandemic

7. Poor drainage and sewerage system

8. Environmental pollution from industries

9. Traffic jams/congestion


1. The city’s water and sewerage services have been overstretched.
2. There is an increase in slums, where the housing and sanitation conditions are poor, mainly due overcrowding.
3. The city is faced with the daunting task of providing social service such as education and health facilities.
4. There is population growth which leads to traffic congestion.
5. The waste disposal, as it generates mountains of garbage on a daily basis.
6. There is a large number of unemployed people that are drawn to it daily in search in a better life.
johnmulu answered the question on March 14, 2017 at 08:14

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