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Outline the characteristics of a system


Outline the characteristics of a system



A system has the following characteristics.
1. Components
A system is made up of components. A component is an irreducible part or aggregation of
that make up a system, also called subsystems. We can repair or upgrade the system by
changing individual components without having to make changes throughout the entire
2. Interrelated Components
The components are interrelated. This means the dependence of one subsystem on one or
more subsystems. The function of one subsystem is tied to the function of others.
3. A Boundary
A system has a boundary within which all of its components are contained and which
establishes the limits of a system, separating the system from other systems. The boundary is
the line that makes the inside and outside of a system and that sends off the system from its
4. A purpose
This is the overall goal or function of a system. A system must give priority to the
objectives of the organization as a whole as compared to the objectives of a subsystem.
5. An Environment
This is everything external to a system that interacts with the system i.e. everything outside the system’s boundary, usually the system interacts with its environment,
exchanging, in the case of an information system, data and information.
6. Interfaces
This is the point of contact where a system meets its environments or where subsystems
meet each other. Eg. The interface between an automated system and its users (manual system)
and interfaces between different information systems. It is the design of good interfaces that
permits different systems to work together without being too dependent on each other.
Because an interface exists at the point where a system meets its environment, the interface has
several special, important functions outlined below:-
? Security, protecting the system from undesirable elements that way wants to infiltrate it.
? Filtering unwanted data both for elements leaving and entering the system.
? Coding and decoding incoming and outgoing messages.
? Detecting and correcting errors in its interaction with the environment.
? Buffering, providing a layer of slack between the system and its environment, so that the
system and its environment can work on different cycles and at different speeds.
? Summarizing raw data and transforming them into the level details and format needed
throughout the system.
7. Constraint/ Controls
This is a limit to what a system can accomplish. A system must face constraints in its
functioning because there are limits – in terms of capacity, speed, or capabilities to
what it can do and how it can achieve its purpose within its environment.
8. Input
This is whatever a system gets from its environment.
9. Output
This is whatever a system returns to its environment in order to fulfill its purpose.
10. Feedback
A feedback may be defined as a check within a system in order to ensure that the
objectives of the system are achieved. These checks are conducted inorder to find out
deviation. If any deviation is detected, then appropriate steps are taken to ensure
that the error is rectified. Feedback may be positive or negative.
? Negative Feedback
This is a system that works on the principle of trying to reduce the fluctuations around
a set standard. Eg. If there is credit limit of those customers who have outstanding debts, it
restricted them it is known as negative feedback since the action is taken opposite to
? Positive Feedback
It a system that attempts to increase a detected deviation. It helps the system to adjust
but acting in the same direction in which deviation has occurred e.g.. If the demand
for any product increases and as a result, production is also increased, then it is
positive feedback it helps to increase the efficiency of the system.
11. Feedforward
It means to take steps to make some adjustments to the system in advance in order to face
any expected deviations in future. Feedback monitors the past results whereas Feedforward
deals with future outcomes.
gregorymasila answered the question on January 24, 2018 at 18:01

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