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Discuss the below cells under the following subheadings: (a)cell adaptations. (b)cell functions. (i)Skin cell (ii)Nerve cell (iii)Muscle cell (iv)Red blood cell (v)Root hair cell (vi)Sperm cell


Discuss the below cells under the following subheadings: (a)cell adaptations. (b)cell functions.
i)Skin cell
ii)Nerve cell
iii)Muscle cell
iv)Red blood cell
v)Root hair cell
vi)Sperm cell



- Skin Cell Function; Protection, producing sweat, sensing your surroundings. Skin Cell Adaptation;Has many nerves that allow you to sense your surroundings, and allows you to hold and absorb many important nutrients.
- Nerve Cell Function; Has many nerves that allow you to sense your surroundings, and allows you to hold and absorb many important nutrients. Nerve Cell Adaptation; Nerve cells have very long axons being they can deliver messages for a longer time before passing it on to the next cell, which makes this process significantly faster.
- Muscle Cell Function; Contains protein, produces movement, maintain structure. Muscle Cell Adaptation ;These cells have adapted to their function by being able to increase their size based on the work they do on a regular function
- Red Blood Cell Function;Carries oxygen, removes carbon dioxide from the body. Red Blood Cell Adaptation; When it removes the carbon dioxide from your body, it moves it to your lungs to exhale
- Root Hair Cell Function;Has a large surface area to speed up osmosis, constantly replaced, acts like a sponge and absorbs nutrients. Root Hair Cell Adaptation For osmosis, the water is absorbed and transported through the roots to the rest of the plant to use for different purposes.
- Sperm Cell Function;Penetrates the female egg cell and passes on biological information in order to create a new organismSperm Cell Adaptation; Has a head and a tail and overall structure of the cell makes it perfectly designed to carry out its function
franco crick answered the question on January 29, 2018 at 18:32

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