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Contrast and proximity are exemplified as the principles of design most useful to a desktop publisher. How are they applied?


Contrast and proximity are exemplified as the principles of design most useful to a desktop publisher. How are they applied?



Contrast allows you to emphasize or highlight key elements within your design.
Contrast is created when two elements are total opposites. This doesn’t necessarily have to be colours either. It can be achieved with fonts (classic/contemporary), lines (thick/thin) and shapes (big/small), just to name a few. Contrast plays a crucial part in the organisation of information on a page. It will guide the reader to where they should look first or to the most important element. For it to work successfully though, it must be strong and obvious. It needs to make an impact.
Proximity helps creates organisation. By grouping similar elements together or in close proximity, you create a relationship between those elements. It also provides a focal point and can give the reader and idea of where they should start and finish reading. Proximity doesn’t mean that elements have to be placed together, it means they should be visually connected in some way. This can be by use of point size, font, colour.

lydiajane74 answered the question on May 11, 2018 at 18:28

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