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Use real time illustrations to discuss how various demographic dispositions impact on economic performance of a least developed country.


Use real time illustrations to discuss how various demographic dispositions impact on economic performance of a least developed country.



Demographic dispositions refers to the situation in a population size, sex, age and growth and structure. These situations have different effects to the economy of Kenya and or of any other country but specifically the least developed ones.

1. Most LDCs with ageing population provide an increased attention needed on them and deplete the few working population off their savings. The lack of saving leads to lack of investments because there is none to invest therefore leaving the economy more dejected.

2. Increased death rates and early deaths to the working population in the less developed countries alters the economic development and economic growth of the economy since the remaining population is unable to be self-reliance. These deaths are attributed to the poor health facilities. This thus drastically hinders progress of LDCs economy hence collapsing in the process or developing very slowly.

3. The population size affects the distribution of national income and especially in LDCs where the per-capita income is mostly affected by the rising number of citizens. These unemployed and not earning are all calculated for when it comes to per-capita income. This eventually leads to lack of national revenues thus leading to decrease in economic development and economic growth of the nation.

4. With rural-urban migration, the population structure is affected. This leads to a high dependent population which arises as a result of many individuals looking for very few jobs in the urban centres. Thus further leads to social unrest and high crime rates hence disturbing the economy.

5. Most LDCs have a rising infant population which attributes to many factors like poverty, early marriages, ignorance on family planning, cultural beliefs among others. Increase in infant population leads to an increase in the dependency ratio which in turn deprives the citizens off their saving nature. Less savings lead to less investments thus a decline in the economy.

6. A less developing country with an increasing population size will be forced to borrowing either foreign or nationally so as to cater for the rising population. This borrowing will reduce the chances of a LDC to practice investment.
Dullayo answered the question on May 12, 2018 at 10:23

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