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What is a certificate and why are certificates needed in public key cryptography?


What is a certificate and why are certificates needed in public key cryptography?



•?A certificate issued by a certificate authority (CA) authenticates that its possessor is who he/she claims to be.
•?To obtain a certificate, a user presents his public key to the CA. Said simply, a certificate is your public key signed by the CA’s private key.
•?CA based authentication of a user is based on the assumption that when a new user applies to the CA for a certificate, the CA can authenticate the identity of the applicant through other means.
•?At its minimum, a certificate assigned to a user consists of the user’s public key, the identifier of the key owner, a time stamp (in the form of a period of validity). The whole block encrypted with the CA’s private key. Encrypting of the block with the CA’s private key is referred to as the CA having signed the certificate.

lydiajane74 answered the question on May 13, 2018 at 23:25

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