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Explain how each of the following computer viruses can affect a computer system. A logic bomb A macro virus


Explain how each of the following computer viruses can affect a computer system.
A logic bomb
A macro virus



Logic bomb
A logic bomb lies dormant until a specific piece of program code is activated
A typical activator for a logic bomb is a date
The logic bomb checks the system date and does nothing until a pre-programmed date and time is reached
A logic bomb may wait for a certain message from its programmer before executing its code

Macro virus
A macro virus is written in a macro programming language which is a normal part of an application such as a word processor/ spreadsheet
A macro enables a short program to be embedded in a document/file and run automatically when the document is opened
The application may be infected so that all future documents created in the application are infected
queen babito answered the question on July 3, 2018 at 02:08

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