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Describe how strong and weak entities differ and provide an example of each.


Describe how strong and weak entities differ and provide an example of each.



We can classify entities as being either strong or weak. A strong entity is not dependent on the existence of another entity for its primary key. A weak entity is partially or wholly dependent on the existence of another entity, or entities, for its primary key. For example, as we can distinguish one actor from all other actors and one video from all other videos without the existence of any other entity, Actor and Video are referred to as being strong entities. In other words, the Actor and Video entities are strong because they have their own primary keys. An example of a weak entity called Role, which represents characters played by actors in videos. If we are unable to uniquely identify one Role entity occurrence from another without the existence of the Actor and Video entities, then Role is referred to as being a weak entity. In other words, the Role entity is weak because it has no primary key of its own.
kalvinspartan answered the question on July 7, 2018 at 08:39

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