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Discuss the various types of catalogue stating the advantages and disadvantages of each


Discuss the various types of catalogue stating the advantages and disadvantages of each.



1 Book catalogue -A book catalogue lists of bibliographic records in alphabetical order by various entries or by classification number.
Book catalogue advantage
- ease of use- a book catalogue is like using a dictionary and requires little instruction in use.
- Size- it is compact in size, allowing it to be carried anywhere within the library.
- Costs- The first copy is the most expensive to produce. if the book catalogue is not too large, many copies can be made and distributed throughout the library.
Book catalogue disadvantage
- Ease of use- Unless multiple copies are made there is a queuing problem.
- Flexibility and currency- Bibliographic records for new materials cannot be inserted.
2. Micro form catalogues - They are two types of catalogues. some libraries have photographed each catalogue card in alphebetical sequence then transferred these images onto microform or microfiche.
Microform calalogue advantage
- Ease of use- Like the book catalogue, many records can be scanned at one time.
- Size- Microfiche or microfilm takes up very little storage space and can store many records on one fiche or film.
- Costs- Multiple copiesare very expensive to produce.
- Ease of use- Microform is an extremely unpopular format.
- Flexibility and currency- New bibliographic records cannot be inserted, nor can records for lost items be deleted.
Costs- The first copy of the microform catalogue is very expensive to produce.
3. Card catalogue- Until the early 1990s, this was the most familiar type of catalogu. The card catalogue is made up of 7.5 cm x 12.5 cm cards, each containing a full bibliographic records.
- Flexibility and currency- Staff time and size of collection growth permitting, cards for new material can be added quickly and cards easily removed for those items no longer in the collection.
- Ease of use- Library clients are comfortable with the alphabetical approach and can easily adapt to a divided catalogue.
- Availability- The likelihood of more than one person needing the same catalogue drawer at the same time is minimal.
Costs- In smaller libraries the cost of maintaining a card catalogue is not overly expensive.
-Size- As the collection grows, so does the card catalogue. This takes up precious space which could be used to house more material.
- Human error- Even the most careful filer can make mistake and these mistakes can be overlooked by someone checking for currency.

Mabongajoel answered the question on August 5, 2018 at 12:10

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