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Explain the problems faced by an adult youth in the community


Explain the problems faced by an adult youth in the community



According to the United Nations, a youth is considered to be a person between the ages of 15 to 24 years. In Kenya, a youth is a person between the age of 18 and 35 years. Going with this definition, an adult youth can be said to be someone who has completed their high school education, is in a tertiary institution or has just completed one. Generally the community expects an adult youth to fend for themselves.
The problems faced by an adult youth in the community fall in different categories.

Not all youths make the cut entry point to universities and colleges. The best way forward is usually to join technical institutes and polytechnics to learn artisan and craft courses. However such training institutes have greatly declined as most polytechnics and mid-level colleges have been converted to Universities.

Not many jobs are usually available and to meet the needs of the high number of adult youths in the community. A key contributor to adult youths’ unemployment is the lack of relevant skills and training which negatively affects them when seeking employment opportunities.

Lack of capital/resources
Adult youths who cater for their daily needs by starting small businesses find it hard to survive in the long run due to the meagre earnings which do not give room for savings which would help them invest. As they do not own any significant assets, they are also unable to access loans from banks and financial institutions.

Lack of support structures
Adult youths lack well defined support structures to handle their grievances. The support structures that exist such as self-help groups lack management skills and leave most of the members lost. Others are formed for the wrong reasons such as to benefit from political campaigns money.

In an effort to cope with the harsh realities of life, there is a tendency towards using drugs. Drugs are highly associated with the risks of contracting HIV/Aids and other sexually transmitted diseases. On top of these, drugs also lead to violence and crime.
Rachelle Maina answered the question on September 23, 2018 at 18:52

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