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Explain effects of artificial intelligence on modern labour force giving examples?


Explain effects of artificial intelligence on modern labour force giving examples?



Artificial intelligence is increasing the skills of workers in the work place.As workers come into contact with Artificial intelligence, they inevitably increase their skills.An example of this would be a programmer or a data analyst who is using Artificial intelligence tools in his work.
Artificial intelligence will make work easier.Algorithms can sort trillions of terabytes in seconds.This makes it easy for data analysts and programmers to visualize and analyze data.An example is how Big data and machine learning will enable hospitals to quickly match donors.
Artificial intelligence will make work faster.As the speed of computing increases, artificial intelligence will enable work to carried out very fast.This will save time and money for businesses and individuals.
Artificial intelligence will make work secure.It will be easy to detect and mitigate threats in the work place and at home.Facial recognition and artificial intelligence will enables us to quickly identify threats and mitigate them.Threats such as terrorism and crime will be easily averted.
jeffzod answered the question on October 24, 2018 at 03:40

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