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Differentiate between curriculum and Syllabus


Differentiate between curriculum and Syllabus



i) Curriculum:
A curriculum is all the experiences and programmes of learning that are given under the guidance of a school. It includes all forms of activities, lessons, subjects and skills given under the responsibility of the school to contribute to the mental, social and physical development of the learners. When designing a curriculum the following factors should be born in mind;
- The society
- The learners needs and abilities
- The national philosophy and life style towards which the whole society is striving for.
- The skills which individuals need to develop or acquire in order to serve the society.
- Resources necessary for implementing the curriculum.

ii) Syllabus:
A syllabus is a broad sketch or outline of what is envisaged to be covered within a given level of learning for a certain period of time. It is usually developed for a particular level and is a blue print that indicates the theme, sequence and depth of the content or materials to be covered and for how long. Therefore a syllabus is a curriculum document whose functions are as follows;
- It provides a means through which the government controls the education provided in its schools and ensures common learning content in all public schools.
- It guides the teacher in preparation of good schemes, which will lead to effective lesson preparation.
- It enables school inspectors and head teachers to check whether the desired standards are being reached.
- It helps in limiting the scope of the examination as examiners base their questions on the content of each syllabus.

johnmulu answered the question on June 14, 2017 at 11:56

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