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Write short notes on the following: (i) Systematic and unsystematic risk. (ii) Conservative credit policy and liberal credit policy.


Write short notes on the following:

(i) Systematic and unsystematic risk.
(ii) Conservative credit policy and liberal credit policy.



Systematic risk

This is also called non-diversifiable or market risk. By holding a multiple of assets to
form a portfolio, thus risk cannot be eliminated. It is economy-wide risk and affects all
firms in the economy. Examples include political instability, inflation, energy crisis
(power rationing), increase in interest rates (cost of debt), increase in corporate taxes,
industrial strikes etc.

Unsystematic risk

Also called diversifiable risk. Its unique to the company and affects only a single firm. It
can be reduced by holding a portfolio. Example include legal suits against the firm, loss
of clients and supplies, strike by employees of the firm etc.

(ii) Conservative credit policy

A policy of selling goods on credit on highly selective basis to only credit worth
customers. It?s meant to reduce bad debts losses and debtors
collection costs. It?s applicable where the seller is a monopoly or the
product has low profit margin or the product is a premium good.

Liberal credit policy

Selling on credit to as many and even red customers as possible. The aim is to increase
sales and profit but it may result in high bad debts, high credit administration costs, high
debtors collection costs etc. Usually common where the product has high profit margin,
is new in the market, is attaining declining stage in its lifecycle or is out of fashion.
marto answered the question on February 12, 2019 at 06:19

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