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Discuss Oral Contraceptives as a method of family planning and give its pros and cons


Discuss Oral Contraceptives as a method of family planning and give its pros and cons



Women who use oral contraceptives swallow a pill each day to prevent pregnancy. Combined oral contraceptives contain two hormones similar to the natural hormones in a woman’s body---an estrogen and a progestin. Also called combined pills, COC’s, OC’s, the pill and birth control pills.

How do they work?
-Stop ovulation (release of eggs from ovaries)
-Also thicken cervical mucus, making it difficult for sperm to pass through.
-They do not work by disrupting existing pregnancy.

1. Very effective when used correctly
2. No need to do anything at time of sexual intercourse
3. Increased sexual enjoyment because no need to worry about pregnancy
4. Monthly periods are regular; lighter monthly bleeding and fewer days of bleeding; milder and fewer menstrual cramps
5. Can be used at any age from adolescence to menopause
6. Fertility returns soon after stopping
7. Can be used as an emergency contraceptive after unprotected sex
8. Can prevent or decrease iron deficiency, anemia

1. Nausea (most common in first three months)
2. Spotting or bleeding between menstrual periods, especially if woman forgets to take her pills or takes them late (most common in first three months)
3. Breast tenderness
4. Slight weight gain
5. Not recommended for breast feeding women because they effect quality and quantity of milk
6. Very rarely can cause stroke, blood clots in deep veins of the legs, or heart attack. Those at highest risk are women with high blood pressure and women who are age 35 or old and at the same time smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day
7. Do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
8. Starting Low-Dose Combined Oral Contraceptives
Wilfykil answered the question on March 13, 2019 at 11:49

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Previous: Discuss Injectable Contraceptives as a method of family planning and give its pros and cons

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