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Explain six factors which have led to inadequate food supply in Africa


Explain six factors which have led to inadequate food supply in Africa



i) Rapid population growth has put a lot of pressure on the available food resources, leading to shortages

ii) Poor transport network has led to uneven distribution of food supplies in some African countries,

iii) Poor and inadequate storage facilities have led to wastage of a lot of food

iv) Most African countries lack adequate capital for agriculture development/financial problems,

v) Poor farming methods have led to low agricultural yields,

vi) The eating habits have created artificial food shortages in Africa as some people prefer certain types of the drought resistance crops

vii) Political stability in some African countries has undermined food production due to insecurity,

viii) Infertile soils

ix) Conservative attitude of Africans in adopting modern farming methods

x) Decline in growing of the drought resistance crops

xi) Poor economic planning/no motivation to farmers/poor marketing facilities

xii) Low income/poverty

xiii) Land tenure systems in some African countries

xiv) Food production has been affected by rural - urban migration, which has created shortage of labour in the agricultural sectors

xv) Overdependence on donations and foreign aid has made it difficult for African countries to find solutions to their problems of food shortage/importation,

xvi) Over - emphasis of cash crops has led to the decline of food production,

xvii) Destructive human activities such as cutting down of trees have turned productive land into wasteland thus leading to low food production
lemass answered the question on March 19, 2019 at 07:55

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