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How was Prophet Jeremiah's understanding of suffering?


Discuss Prophet Jeremiah's understanding of suffering.



(i) Judah suffers because of her failure to live according to the Covenant Way of Life.

(ii) The house of David was to suffer because of the unfaithfulness of her rulers who did not follow King David's example.

(iii) Jeremiah suffered innocently because of the evils of the nation.

(iv) The defeat of Judah was God's judgement aimed at warning the people of their religious and moral failures.

(v) God shared this agony of suffering when His people rejected Him to pursue evil.

(vi) Jeremiah's suffering brought a terrible conflict in himself which made him almost give up in being a servant of God.

(vii) The innocent may suffer not because of punishment from God as the Israelites believed, but due to existence of evil in the world.

(viii) After the suffering, those who accept it in the right spirit will enjoy a great era of prosperity.

(ix) Prophet Jeremiah responded to his suffering through lamentations.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 26, 2017 at 13:14

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