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Briefly explain any five factors that favored the agrarian revolution in United States of America.


Briefly explain any five factors that favored the agrarian revolution in United States of America.



The enclosure system made any people who lost their land move to North America. They carried with them the skills and the knowledge they had gathered in the agrarian revolution in Britain.

Before the agrarian revolution in USA, agriculture in use was a blend of the new and old. The modern plantation and estate farming, crop zoning, the use of hybrid seeds, the teaching of agricultural economics and extension of education, and the increased use of fertilizers transformed agriculture into a big industry.

Due to its size, USA covers several climatic zones and so a variety of crops can be grown and animals kept. This coupled by the fact that the USA was a vast country inhabited by a few people meant there was land for all kinds of agriculture. This led to creation of specialized agricultural zones.

From the eighteenth century, many slaves were transported to the New World including USA in the Trans-Atlantic trade. The slaves provided cheap labor especially in the cotton, sugar and tobacco belts.

Development of transport and communication network in USA especially the roads, railways and water ways enhanced and facilitated advancements in agriculture.
Dana05 answered the question on April 16, 2019 at 16:27

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