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Why are children important in a traditional African family?


Give reasons why children are important in a traditional African family.



(i) Parents remember their ancestors through naming their children after them.

(ii) They are expected to take care of their parents in old age.

(iii) The family lineage is continued through the children.

(iv) They are heirs to the family's wealth.

(v) They are a source of wealth and labour.

(vi) They are a source of joy and pride in the family.

(vii) They are God's gifts and blessings to the family.

(viii) They raise parents' dignity and status in society.

(ix) They cement marriage relationship between a husband and wife.

What is the importance of children in Traditional African Society?

They help their parents at old age.
Cement a marriage: One without children is considered incomplete.
Children (boys) provide security at home and the community.
They help in the perpetuation of the family and community name.
The departed are reborn through naming of children.
Provide labour.
It is through children that (new) members meet and get to know each other. Young children
are introduced to their relatives e.g. during initiation, marriage etc.
Children uphold the statue of parents.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on July 27, 2017 at 12:05

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