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An investigation was carried to show the effect of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) on urine production in a mammal. The rate of urine production was measured...


An investigation was carried to show the effect of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) on urine production in a mammal. The rate of urine production was measured over a period of 30 minutes. Five minutes after measurements began; ADH was injected into a vein of the mammal. The results are shown in table below.
a) Plot a graph of rate of urine production against time.
b) Name the gland that releases ADH.
c) Describe the effect of injection of ADH on the rate of urine production in the mammal in this investigation.
d) Describe the mechanism by which ADH produces the effect seen in this investigation.
e) In a similar investigation, an injection of sodium chloride (salt) solution was given after five minutes instead of ADH. This injection was observed to affect urine production in a similar way to ADH. Suggest how the sodium chloride brought about this effect.



b) (Posterior) pituitary;
c) Decrease in urine production; / urine production inhibited; in the first 10 minutes after injection; increase in urine production in the next 15 minutes;
d) ADH increases the permeability of the collecting duct and distal convoluted tubule to water; more water is reabsorbed ; into the blood from collecting duct / distal convoluted tubule; by osmosis; (into the body cell)
e) Sodium chloride increases the (salt) concentration in blood; detected by chemoreceptors; ( in the hypothalamus) this stimulates the secretion of ADH leading to increased levels of ADH in the blood (plasma); This increases the permeability of collecting duct and distal convoluted tubule to water more water is reabsorbed into the blood by osmosis into the body cells;
sharon kalunda answered the question on May 24, 2019 at 06:23

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