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In an experiment, lactic acid concentration was measured before, during and after exercise to determine the effect of exercise on the concentration of lactic acid...


In an experiment, lactic acid concentration was measured before, during and after exercise to determine the effect of exercise on the concentration of lactic acid in blood. Study the data obtained and use it to answer the questions that follow.
a) Plot a graph of the concentration of lactic acid against time using a suitable scale. (6 marks)
b) From the graph:
i) Determine the period of exercise.
ii) Explain
c) i) Determine the time when oxygen debt incurred.
ii) Explain
d) i) The duration it took to pay back the oxygen debt
ii) Explain
e) Plot a hypothetical curve for oxygen intake during the experimental period on the same axes.
f) Why does lactic acid level usually continue to rise in the blood after the exercise ceases?
g) State two of effects of lactic acid on tissues.



b) i) 10 - 25 minutes
ii) Period of rapid increase in lactic acid concentration
c) i) 10 - 20 seconds
ii) Period when lactic acid level starts to increase
d) i) 75 minutes ie from 25th - 100th minute
ii) It is the time lactic acid took to decrease from the highest level to normal.
e) It has the same basic shape but peaks slightly ahead of the lactic acid and curve in time.
f) Because it is still diffusing out of the muscles where it was made a few minutes earlier.
g) - Muscle cramps.
- Pain as the muscles contract.
sharon kalunda answered the question on May 27, 2019 at 09:59

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