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Describe the social economic organization during the time of Amos’ call.


Describe the social economic organization during the time of Amos’ call.



- Under Jeroboam II, Israel experienced a period of economic prosperity.
- This gave rise to a class of the rich, who possessed the wealth of the nation
- This group of the Haves in tum neglected the oppressed
- There was a big gap between these two groups.
- The peasant farmers lived in abject poverty and looked quite out of place.
- They were exploited by the rich, who led a life full of luxury.
- The brotherhood of the covenant was thus downtrodden.
- Merchants were dishonest and used false scales in their business.
- The law courts turned into houses of bribery and corruption
- The very wealthy merchants extended their hypocrisy into worship by offering large sacri?ce to cover up their wickedness

marto answered the question on June 17, 2019 at 05:57

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