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Outline the challenges Faced by Muslims in Kenya in the Nineteenth Century.


Outline the challenges Faced by Muslims in Kenya in the Nineteenth Century.



i. The Muslim presence remained mainly along the coastal strip and on the Indian Ocean islands as they could not venture into the mainland for fear of hostile people and other unknown factors.
ii. During the nineteenth century European nations e.g. British, French, Germans and the Dutch started showing interest on the coastal of East Africa and this posed a threat to the Muslim possessions along the Kenya coast.
iii. During the nineteenth century European Christian missionaries started their evangelization of the Kenyan people spearheaded by the CMS, UMFC and the Holy Ghost Fathers. The Christian missionary activities posed a threat to the spread of Islam.
iv. The Europeans regarded Muslims with suspicion and mistrust as they only saw them in terms of slavery and slave trade a fact that made determined to check further Muslim influence among the Kenyan people.
v. There was disunity among Muslims rulers. They would not encounter/ countercheck the external interference as a united front.
vi. The weakening of the Ottoman Empire affected what was happening in the Muslim world including the coast of Kenya.
vii. The signing of treaties between the European powers (especially Britain) and the Muslim rulers undermined the Muslim power and trade.
viii. The inability of Muslims to take Islam to the interior of Kenya accorded the Christian missionaries the Opportunity to take Christianity to the interior without hindrances.
ix. The scramble for Africa leading to the Berlin Conference and partition of Africa brought Kenya under the British rule. That meant Muslims lost their political economic and social control of their possessions.
x. Colonization by the British meant that the Muslims lost their independence which they had enjoyed for centuries (with the exception of the period of the Portuguese occupation).
xi. With colonization and building of the Uganda railway, came the influx of European Christian missionaries into Kenya who started evangelization at a great speed undermining the spread of Islam.
Kavungya answered the question on June 21, 2019 at 09:55

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