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David Mulwa: Inheritance The play Inheritance satirizes leaders who thrive at the expense of their subjects. Discuss.


David Mulwa: Inheritance

The play Inheritance satirizes leaders who thrive at the expense of their subjects. Discuss.




The playwright ridicules the leaders who thrive at the expense of their subjects. Lacuna Kasoo is one such leader. He uses his subjects as an excuse to get loans from Goldstein and Robert. He wants to give them free services so that they can love him like they loved his father,


Leaders who thrive at the expense of their subjects are satirized. The author satirizes Lacuna and brings him out as ignorant. He does not care about the plight of the people. He is also brought out as arrogant. He gets whatever he wants. Lacuna is rich. He takes loans and spends the money with his ministers and councilors

At one point he does not even know how much he owes yet it is the people who are paying the loans. Robert and Goldstein encourage him to take loans. The two make him promise to make some changes that oppress the people, His father King Kutula had not wanted the people to be oppressed but Lacuna wants the people to suffer and eventually submit. When he is not given another loan, he pleads and is given a second chance at the expense of his people.

Lacuna wants to succeed by having only those loyal to him in spite of their level of education. He wants people from his clan to be in positions yet to succeed, he needs everyone on board. Those who do not support him are sent away like Judah, and there’s like Bengo are imprisoned.

He buys the people's land for peanuts and makes the people work on their own farms as slaves. He oppresses them so much so that they do not have food and water. they cannot even pay fees for their own children.
Lacuna introduces martial laws to oppress the people and steal from them in order to recover his lost accounts. He wants to frustrate them and even puts in place a curfew from dusk to dawn. He confines Lulu when she refuses to marry him.


A good leader cares for his people and does not oppress them. The playwright use satire to make us ask ourselves
marto answered the question on August 27, 2019 at 10:08

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