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Study the scheme below and use it to answer the questions that follow:-


Study the scheme below and use it to answer the questions that follow:-
i) Name the following compounds:-
I. Product T ………………………… II. K ………
ii) State one common physical property of substance G
iii) State the type of reaction that occurred in step J
iv) Give one use of substance K
v) Write an equation for the combustion of compound P
vi) Explain how compounds CH3CH2COOH and CH3CH2CH2OH can be distinguished chemically
vii) If a polymer K has relative molecular mass of 12,600, calculate the value of n (H=1 C =12)



i) I – T is ethane
II – K is polypropene

ii) has a sweet smell

iii) Neutralization

iv) - Used to make ropes
- Used to make crates of bottles
- Used as surface for all weather football and hockey pitches

v) CH3CH2CH3 + SO2------->3CO2 + 4H2O

vi) React a small sample of each of the two substances with sodium carbonate separately. Bubbles// efferrescence are observed with CH3CH2COOH and no reaction with CH3CH2CH2OH

maurice.mutuku answered the question on November 6, 2019 at 07:05

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