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Study the following tongue twister and answer the questions that follow.


Study the following tongue twister and answer the questions that follow.

1.Peter piper picked a piece of peckled brown paper.

2.Better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter.

3.Whence, weary woman, wailing worn with work.

4.When wounded womb, will wisdom , will.

i)For each of tongue twister, identify instances of use of alliteration.

ii)Why was the use of alliterations as important feature in tongue twisters?



1.Peter piper picked
Repetition of /p/ sound

2.Better , Betty, Bother
Repetition of /B/ sound

3.Whence, weary, woman
Repetition of /w/ sound

4.When, wounded, womb
Repetition of /w/ sound
marto answered the question on March 5, 2020 at 09:27

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