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Explain the factors that determine teachers quality.


Explain the factors that determine teachers quality.



- The teacher-education curriculum
This is the syllabus or the content to which teachers are exposed to while on training. A good teacher education program should have the ability to instill in teachers the right qualities that are required are schools. It must prepare them for their pedagogical and academic responsibilities.

- Government policy
The government determines the quality of teachers to teach at any one given level .At primary level, teachers with p1 p2 and S 1qualification are required to teach. At secondary level, teachers of degree or diploma level are required.

- Incentive offered
This refers to various monetary and non-monetary benefits that teachers receive from serving in the teaching profession. It includes salaries allowances and fringe benefits. Availability of an attractive high caliber teachers and retaining the most highly qualified person in the teaching profession.

Lellah answered the question on June 16, 2021 at 05:39

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