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Describe the American system of education focusing the structure, aim and administration. i. structure, ii. aim iii. administration


Describe the American system of education focusing the structure, aim and administration.
i. structure,
ii. aim
iii. administration



a. Structure:
The education system in the US has 5 levels;
I. Nursery education
II. II. Primary school.
III. Secondary school
IV. Teacher education
V. University and adults education

I. Nursery education
Meant for children from 3 years and above

II. Primary school.
- For children from Six years
- The schools are headed by principals.
- Children are promoted on the basis of continuous assessment.
- Religious education is not included because citizens have freedom of worship.

III. Secondary school
- Secondary education is a 3-3 system.
- 3 years in junior high and 3 years in senior high.
- Public senior schools are free.

IV. Teacher education
Trains teachers who will help training children to promote the American culture

V. University and adults education
-It's provided in colleges of education, higher technical institutions.
-They are in two categories
I. State universities and colleges maintained by the state.
II. Independent colleges and universities run by churches and private individuals.

b. Administration
- It's decentralized i.e. each state and private individuals take care of the school.
- Federal government fund technical institutions and universities
- Each local government has a local board of education headed by superintendent who
appoints teachers and other personnel who work with him.
- Works in the finance of schools run by local government.

c. Finance
- Less than 60% of the total cost of public primary and secondary funding coming from
local taxes
- State government sets 40% of its annual budget to education most of it Comes from
- Students pay their fee in private institutions
Titany answered the question on January 7, 2022 at 05:27

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