(i) The state and the church belong to one Nation hence they have similar goals - National goals.
(ii) Both the state and the church meet at fund raisings for the church as well as in state ceremonies i.e.
politicians attend church functions and Christians attend state functions.
(iii)The state provides security for all people including Christians e.g. police are called upon to
maintain order when we have functions in the church , while the church takes care of spiritual
needs of the people.
(iv) Today some Government officials hold important positions in the church while also some
Christians hold important positions in the Government
(v) The church and the state co-operate in condemning immoral and criminal activities in the society.
(vi) Both must co-operate because they serve the same community.
(vii) Christianity teaches that all Authority comes from God and all Christians must obey state laws.
(viii) Both church and state co-operate in the provision of health, education and other social needs of
the community.
Kavungya answered the question on November 15, 2022 at 11:58
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