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Explain how Abubakary conquered; i) Iraq ii) Syria


Explain how Abubakary conquered;
i) Iraq
ii) Syria



i) Iraq
- Iraq was a province of the ancient Persian empire
- It should be remembered that the king of Persia tore the letter of the prophet inviting him to Islam
- The prophet fore told the collapse of the empire but died before doing it
- So it came to pass during Abubakar’s time
- During Abubakary’s time, Arabs had conflicts with the Persians
- The caliph allowed the Arabs to wage war on them
- The caliph assisted the Arab chiefs e.g. Muthana and successfully defeated the Persians in a number of battles
- Several famous cities such as Hiira, Babylon were captured.

ii) Syria
- In the north, there was danger of possible attack from the Roman empror
- Abubakary sent 4 armies each led by a different commander to guard the northern boarder
- The overall commander was Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah
- On hearing the movement of the Muslim army, Heraclius mobilized his troops for battle
- The Muslim army moved forward to face the Romans at Ajinadain
- Realizing that this would result into a serious battle, the caliph wrote to Khalid Bin Walid
- Told him to leave for Syria to rein enforce the Muslim army
- Khalid joined the Muslim army and defeated the Romans at Ajanadain
- The whole of Syria fell under the Muslim area of influence.
francis1897 answered the question on March 2, 2023 at 11:26

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