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Ever pondered what the scenario would be like if women ruled the world?


Date Posted: 3/25/2012 3:59:51 AM

Posted By: luvinski  Membership Level: Bronze  Total Points: 45

Sometimes back, I happened to watch a piece of one of our local TV stations. The topic of discussion was what men hate about women. There were a lot of questions thereafter.
The thing that men really hated was a woman who was said to be a gold digger. I totally agree with those men who go by that stand but some mistakes being; a woman who needs a financially stable man for those who are gold diggers.

It was said that among those who hate such women do not have that gold in the first place to be dug! You won’t blame a woman for seeking a man who can be there and support her financially. Women in nature won’t opt for men who can’t support them in life when it comes to matters relating finances. Other than that, they won’t opt for men who can’t support themselves financially in the first place. What’s more ironical is that those men tend to dream of having big families and insist on housing the extended families because they are the richest in their side of family.

However, the truth remains that a woman who is normally used to a nice and high standard of living will rarely trade it for a life of living from hand to mouth. Hence, before a man says she is only with me for the money, or she is a social climber, they should first do their homework. Love may be blind but it’s also very expensive.

It has been noted that men in nature are afraid of women who are empowered and have a mind of their own. This is because they tend to depend less on them financially. They tend to feel like they have a sense of security, which they bring out when

they issue orders and do confidently feel that they do have what it takes to stand on their own. This is however impossible to do when men come across a woman who has learnt to do the entire plus more for herself. Out of this, men begin to feel insecure. An empowered woman usually has a high level of education and knowledge, earns high regular salaries, own most of their property and mostly stands for them to challenge the men’s decision, something that they do not prefer at all.

So for a man to have such a woman for a wife actually makes her the head of the family, thereby the men tend to feel afraid of being thrown out. Should they divorce, the woman would fall custody of their children as she can support the kids and provide the best education for them. Most women become empowered because of the desires that drive them like power, success, hunger or attention. The one thing that they desire most is FREEDOM, therefore proving the theory if ‘I need a man’ outright wrong.

As much as men tend to think that it is indeed a man’s world, it’s turning more into a woman’s world every day. The legendary singer James Brown sang and I quote, “it is a man’s world, but a man cannot do anything without a woman”. What do you think?

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