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Stages in linear career


Date Posted: 4/20/2012 8:46:53 AM

Posted By: SimonMburu  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 838

A person whose career is linear moves through a sequence of jobs in which each new job entails additional responsibility, a greater impact on an organization, new skills, and upward movement in an organization''s hierarchy.
Because linear careers are sequenced or entail a progression toward more responsible or demanding kinds of jobs, it is not surprising that a number of stages commonly occur in many linear careers.

Preparation for work:
During this stage, people decide what kind of career they desire and learn what qualifications and experiences they will need in order to pursue their chosen career. Deciding on a career is not an easy job and requires a certain degree of self-awareness and reflection. Some people turn to professionals to help them discover the most appropriate career they suite in.
After choosing a career field, one must gain the knowledge, skills and education required to get a perfect starting point.

Organization entry:
This stage is where people are trying to find a good job. The search entails identifying potential opportunities in a variety of ways, finding out as much as possible about alternative positions, and making oneself an attracting candidate for prospective employers. This stage is more challenging in some careers than others as some kinds of careers may lead a long path before one finds the level they want in that particular field.

Early career:
This stage kicks off once a person obtains a first job in his or her chosen career. Here, there are two important stages; establishment and achievement. Establishment entails learning the ropes of the new job while achievement entails accomplishing something important to the job or organization. The achievement is crucial for future career progression.

Mid career:
At this stage people have been in the work force between 25 and 35 years. Some people find this stage a mentor especially appealing and a

chance to share their wisdom and make difference for someone just starting out in their field.

Late career:
This stage live as long as a person continues to work and has an active career. Many managers remain productive at this stage and show no signs of slowing down.

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