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The Four wheels of life


Date Posted: 4/23/2012 1:00:28 PM

Posted By: Bony maurice  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 214

The life is all about how one associates with those around him/her. The social factor is very vital. Just as one finger depends on others, so does a person depend on relatives, friends, neighbors and even enemies. However, the way you interact with them matters a lot. As we know, communication is the main pillar for peaceful co-existence of people. There are small elements in communication that people have assumed and thereby led them into problems.

As we shall discuss below, these elements are very vital in developing a good rapport with whoever you communicate to.

(a) PLEASE is one very important word that shows humility. It is mainly used when making a request. Use it to show that you beg and do not command. In fact it increase your persuasive power. The other person feel you are requesting out of your heart. This simple six-letter word can earn you a favor that you would not have gotten with a rude language.

(b) I AM SORRY-used when you feel you have wronged a person. When used genuinely will demonstrate that whatever you did was not arbitrary. You seek pardon by simply stating you are sorry. You must indeed be sorry for the fault you committed. It does not cost you much energy nor time to pronounce it, but for sure it will bring you the peace you desired. It prevents the possibility of a war, conflict, argument or remorse coming in.

(c) EXCUSE ME- it is used in a circumstance when you want a chance for certain activity. If in a discussion you want to make a contribution, a humble excuse me will help. It shows your respect to the others and obedience to the rules put forth. Excuse yourself if you wish others to leave

way for you on the road. It is very rude to brush over others as you move without care. You must be conscious of all those near you.

(d) THANK YOU- very great words to show gratefulness. Whatever favor one does to you, appreciate. Let the other person know that whatever he/she did to you was very useful. Even if it was your right, a thank you shows how considerate you are to the generosity. If served in a bank, do not brag on how the money was yours without thanking that cashier. Thank even the shopkeeper who serves you according to your money because without him, you would not eat that money.

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