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Two business partiners Nzau and Masese contributed sh.112,000 and sh.128,000 respectively,to start a business.They agreed to share their profits as follows;

Class: Form 1

Subject: Mathematics

Topic: Rates, Ratios, Proportions and Percentages

Lesson Summary

Two business partiners Nzau and Masese contributed sh.112,000 and sh.128,000 respectively,to start a business.They agreed to share their profits as follows;
30% to be shared equally
30% to be shared in the ratio of their contributions.
40% to be retained for the running of the business.
If their total profit for the year 1989 was sh.86,400 calculate;

i)The amount received by each partner.
ii)The amount retained for running the business.

Text Answer

i)The amount received by each partner.

Nzau =112,00
Masese =128,000
Ratio of contributions Nzau : Masese
112,000:128,000(divide by 16 to simplify)
Profit = 86,400
30% of 86400 =25920 (To be shared equally)
Each gets 25920÷2 =12960
30% of 86400= 25920(to be sshared in the ratio 7:8)
Nzau gets 715x 25920 = 12096
= 12960 + 12096 = sh.25056
Masese gets 815 x 25920 = 13824
= 12960 + 13824 = sh.26,960

ii)The amount retained for running the business.

40% of 86,400 = sh.34,560

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