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Disadvantages of mobiles gadgets


Date Posted: 6/8/2014 7:13:14 PM

Posted By: Bmercy  Membership Level: Bronze  Total Points: 20

Mobiles and gadgets have various disadvantages.

Sadly,technology has negative impact on social relationships. I remember a time when i would say am hanging out with my friends. We would talk,laugh and actually feel like your friends are around. Now, it is different. Talk about being lonely among friends. Everyone buries their face in the internet, mobiles and other gadgets.

Many families don't know much about each other. This is because everyone is enslaved to a gadget .

Sad right? In this competitive era where friends are enemies over things like wanting to undo your peers,gadgets are not helping. Instead stimulating animosity and unnecessary competition. Socializing is no more fun if it is not through the phone.

People with better gadgets tend to feel superior, terrorizing the less fortunate

Due to machinery doing most work humans could to,many have been replaced thus less jobs.who needs messengers when there are phones.

Verbal communication becomes a challenge when you get used to more typing and less verbal.

Mobiles and gadgets facilitate hostility on social medias. Someone can record another private sessions and upload on sites out of spite. This leads to stigma an also being wrongly judged.

These gadgets can slow down the need,want and necessity to think. Everything is accessible on the net. Most student tend to try and cheat by searching over the internet.

Also adult material is accessible by our kids even at a young age. Banning inappropriate content has proven to be a challenge since it is easily accessible through the internet.

Girls don't use their time to learn how to cook,and on house chores as opposed to if gadgets were not there.

Mobiles and gadgets have advantages and disadvantages too we must agree.

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