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Why Kenyaplex is the best


Date Posted: 12/11/2012 11:26:35 AM

Posted By: Macawear88  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 163

Kenyaplex is more than just a website. The innovation behind it remain a succint proof that indeed there are Kenyan who have talent and ability. Its website design is much more better than other websites. I am of firm belief that whatever Kenyaplex does and has been doing is way ahead of any other country in East Africa. It is future in the current present. It is unique and sui generis.

The first reason why I believe that Kenyaplex is the best is founded upon the idea behind it. While there have been several other websites seeking to emulate facebook and the likes, Kenyaplex takes a totally different approach. It combines learning and fun. This makes it possible to have fun while learning.

The second reason why Kenyaplex stands out is the fact that it offers a rare platform where people of different calibers are able to interact and share their ideas. While there are many other sites that interaction can occur, Kenyaplex is strictly on intellectual interaction. People discuss ideas and not gossip. There is no room for people to post despicabe photos and images.

The other reason is that Kenyaplex is a directory. If you are looking for any address, Kenyaplex is there for you. The addresses are comprehensive and cover colleges as well as businesses. Apart from that, it is possible for anyone to inquire on anything and get prompt help.

The reward scheme and payment is something to be happy about. While you are learning, you are having fun and end up getting an opportunity to earn. It is a source of pocket money and a means of development.

It goes without say that Kenyaplex is also a means of distraction to those who are addicted to mind washing websites. It offers an alternative internet and surfing avenue.


is quite obvious that we all have different experiences here on Kenyaplex but it is quite apparent that the above mentioned reasons make Kenyaplex stand out.

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