Youth Reproductive Health(family planning and reproductive health) in Nyeri National Polytechnic

Course Name: Youth Reproductive Health

Institution Name: Nyeri National Polytechnic

Course Specialization/Major Subject: family planning and reproductive health

Course Type: Certificate

More Nyeri National Polytechnic Courses

Below is a list of more courses offered by the college.

Course Name
Certificate in Supplies Management(Supplies Management)
Certificate in Sales and Marketing(Sales and Marketing)
Certificate in Water Engineering(Water Engineering)
Diploma in Human Resource Management(Human Resource Management)
Diploma in Telecommunication(Telecommunication)
Diploma in Community Development and Social Work(Community Development and Social Work)
Certificate in Information Technology(Information Technology)
Certificate in Garment Making(Garment Making)
Certificate in Community Development and Social Work(Community Development)
Cisco Certified Network Associate 2(CCNA 2)
Higher Diploma in Human Resource Management(Human Resource Management)
Certificate in Architectural Design (Architectural Design )
Bachelor of Commerce(Commerce)
Diploma in Food and Beverage(Food and Beverage)
Certificate in Motor Vehicle Mechanics(Motor Vehicle Mechanics)
Certificate in Electronics Engineering(Electronics Engineering)
Diploma in Analytical Chemistry(Analytical Chemistry)
Diploma in Accountancy(Accounting)
Certificate in Construction Plant Engineering(Construction Plant Engineering)
Certificate in Architecture(Architecture)
Diploma in Secretarial Studies(Secretarial Studies)
Diploma in Cooperative Management(Cooperative Management)
Certificate in Science Laboratory Technology(Laboratory Technology)
Certificate in Civil Engineering(Civil Engineering)
Bachelor of Business Administration(Business Administration)
Certificate in Electrical Installation(Electrical Installation)
Cisco Certified Network Associate 3(CCNA 3)
Certificate in Carpentry and Joinery(Carpentry and Joinery)
Certificate in Pharmacy(Pharmacy)
Diploma in Environmental Management & Wildlife(Environmental Management)
Certificate in Telecommunication Engineering(Telecommunication Engineering)
Certificate in Library Studies( )
Diploma in Applied Biology(Applied Biology)
Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering(Electrical and Electronics )
Diploma in Automotive Engineering(Automotive Engineering)
Higher Diploma in Entrepreneurship Development(Entrepreneurship Development)

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