Colleges and Universities Offering Doctor of Philosophy in Translation Studies (Translation Studies ) in Kenya

  • Course Name: Doctor of Philosophy in Translation Studies (Translation Studies )
  • Major Subject: Translation Studies
  • Course Category: Doctorate
  • Average Study Duration: 3 years

Colleges Offering Doctor of Philosophy in Translation Studies (Translation Studies )

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Universities Offering Doctor of Philosophy in Translation Studies (Translation Studies )

  • Africa International University Africa International University, Karen  
    The following are areas of concentration:
    (i) Socio-Linguistics

    (ii) Cognitive Approaches to Linguistics

    (iii) General Linguistics

    (iv) African Linguistics

    Entry requirements
    (i) Masters degree from AIU or an institution recognized by the AIU Senate. Beyond the possession of a degree, the applicant must have a cumulative mean of at least a B in his/her Masters studies, and must demonstrate ability in academic research. Specific program minimum requirements will apply.

    (ii) In exceptional cases, Senate, on the recommendation of any of the schools, may admit to the doctorate program, applicants who do hold a Master’s degree, provided that such candidates, on the basis of the research, professional and academic work they have done, can demonstrate that they are well qualified to undertake doctoral work.

    Course duration
    Three years

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