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How can i prepare a business plan of any dairy industry?


How can i prepare a business plan of any dairy industry?



Question answered with an example below:

In our business we will aim at venturing in goat farming business because we want to leverage on the vast opportunities available in the livestock farming industries and to contribute to our quota in our growing economy .we have put processes and strategies that will help us achieve our aim .Goats are suitable in most of the ecological zone hence our company is located at a suitable zone.
Our products
Our company will mainly deal with milk but it will also provide other products such as yoghurt, butter, cheese. It will also provide other products such as manure and skin.
Our vision
Our vision is to become one of the leading livestock farming brands.
Our mission
Our mission is to sell our produce that is milk, byproducts and processed milk in commercial quantities both locally and nationally. We want to build a livestock farming business that can favourably compete with other leading livestock farming brands.
Our business structure
Below is the business structure of our company;
Chief operating officer responsible for providing direction for the business and evaluating success of the business.
General farm manager responsible for overseeing smooth running of the business and administrative task of the organization
Administrator/accountant responsible for administering pay rolls
Supervisor who work closely with the general manager achieve the goals of the business
Contract staff who assist in handling the breeding of goats
Sales and marketing officer: identify, priotise and reach out new partners and business opportunities.
Front desk officer: distribute mails in the organization.

Sources of income will be from loans, contribution from members. Other sources of income includes personal savings and selling some of the stalks, borrowing from friends and other family members.
Loan 500000
Members contribution 250000
Registration fee 50000
Total 800000

Goats 500000 500000 0
Structures 130000 110000 -20000
Milking tools 20000 22000 2000
Labour 50000 55000 5000
Office equipment 20000 20000 0
Feeds 60000 50000 -10000
Management 23000 20000 -3000
Transport 35000 23000 -12000
Total 795000 800000
Net income 5000

Routine management
In dairy goats the routine managements practices includes:-
Identification –includes practices like ear tagging and ear notching.
Weaning –this is the practice of introducing special feeds to kids.
Breeding and selection-this is the practice of selecting breeds with the desirable characteristics to become the parents of the future herd. Proper housing and hygiene-this keeps the goats free from disease, drought and predators .The stall should be spacious , well ventilated and drought free.
Vaccination –this is the practice of keeping goats safe from diseases and preventing spread of disease.
Feeding and nutrition-for proper growth and development goats ought to be fed well.

We intend to sell our products locally and nationally .our products includes aged goats,goats meat ,milk manure .other processed products include pasteurized and homogenized milk, butter,yought .
We will adopt the following strategies in marketing our products :
-Introduce our business by sending introductory letters alongside our brochure to stake holders in the agriculture industry ,companies that rely on our products for their raw materials , hotels and restaurants and agriculture produce merchants .
•Advertise our business and our dairy products in agro–allied and food related magazines and websites .
•List our commercial products on yellow pages ads (local directories)
•Attend related agriculture and expos ,seminars and business fairs .
•Engage in direct marketing .
•Leverage on the internet to promote our business .
•Encourage the use of word of mouth marketing(referrals)
Extension services includes:
•Subsidized artificial insemination services and training programmes
Supply of hay to dairy farmers at subsidized prices .

franco crick answered the question on March 19, 2018 at 12:18

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