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a) The prophet (p.b.u.h) said, “Every one of you is a guardian and is responsible for his charges……” In the light of the above hadith,...


a) The prophet (p.b.u.h) said, “Every one of you is a guardian and is responsible for his charges……” In the light of the above hadith, explain any seven Islamic teachings on the care for the animals and plants.
b) With examples explain four forms of Hadith.
c) State five facts about Al-Muwatta.



i) Allah will reward those who take care of animals like cats etc
ii) Man should not be cruel to animals
iii) Man is accountable for the responsibility of guarding the environment
iv) Nature and environment play a role in making Muslims understand Allah
v) Man should be merciful to animals because Allah (SW) will also be merciful to him. vi) Avoid inciting animals to fight
b) Fill – An action /practice of the prophets which has bearing on any matters concerning Islamic codes in all the spheres
Qaul – A statement given by the prophet which has bearing on matters concerning the comprehensive Islamic code of life
Taqrir – Any action or practice of some people which has silent approval of the prophet (SAW)
Sifat – This hadith which describe the unique character of the prophe
i) It’s the 1st highly organized book of hadith
ii) Arranged according to chapters
iii) Contains traditions of the people of Madina
iv) Contains sound hadith with unbroken isnad
v) Translated into major languages
vi) Taken 40 years to be completed
vii) It’s a book of the Hadith of the prophet mixed with legal decisions of the four rightly guided caliphs.
steve williams answered the question on January 3, 2018 at 04:30

Next: a) Explain any seven teachings of surah al Hujurat (b) State five characteristics of Madina surahs. (c) Give eight conditions that must be fulfilled by a...
Previous: a) Mention the acts that nullify Saum. (b) Differentiate between Juma and Jamaa prayers. (c) Highlight the significance of the month of Ramadhan. (5marks)

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